Learn what’s next for the
Minnesota Energy Connection project
February 2025
The sate review process for the MN Energy Connection 345 kV transmission project continues to progress with the recent filing of the Administrative Law Judge’s Report and Recommendations and the Department of Commerce’s Final Environmental Impact Statement. Both documents can be reviewed at the Minnesota Public Utilities Commission (MPUC) edockets website at www.mn.gov/PUC (click on edockets and search for docket number 22-132).
The Administrative Law Judge recommended the MPUC approve the project’s application for a Certificate of Need and further recommended the MPUC approve the Route Permit following the modified blue route (select maps on the above menu to see the route options under review including the modified blue route).
The MPUC will make the final decision on the applications at a hearing we expect to be scheduled in the coming months. We will post information about the hearing when it’s scheduled.
If all applications are approved, Xcel Energy will begin working with landowners throughout 2025 to negotiate easement purchases and begin pre-construction activities. Construction would begin in 2026.
For additional questions or comments on the project, landowners may contact the State of Minnesota at [email protected] and should reference docket numbers 22-131 or 22-132. Questions about the project for Xcel Energy can be emailed to [email protected] or by calling 1-888-292-4714.
The Commission is responsible for reviewing applications for new high-voltage transmission lines.
We encourage you to sign up to receive email updates from the Commission when new items are filed in the dockets. To receive email notifications when new documents are filed. To subscribe, visit: https://www.edockets.state.mn.us/Efiling, select Subscribe to eDockets and follow the prompts.
AFTER ‘prompts’ select docket number 22-131 (Certificate of Need) or 22-132 (Route Permit application).
Voluntary pre-construction property access
We are contacting some landowners along the blue and purple routes to begin preliminary environmental and soil reviews to assist with project design and engineering. Agreeing to this early access is not associated with the Route Permit review and does not affect eventual easement negotiations we will have with landowners on an approved route.
Construction laydown yards and road use agreements
Project representatives are also working with some landowners as we identify properties we can use to stage equipment and material, and we are beginning to identify potential roads that may be used for hauling and construction access. As part of this process we will work with local road authorities for appropriate permits and approvals.
Xcel Energy is leading the clean energy transition with our plan to reduce carbon emissions 85% by 2030, moving closer to our vision to deliver 100% carbon-free electricity by 2050.
As part of this transition, the Minnesota Public Utilities Commission approved Xcel Energy’s plan to retire all of its Upper Midwest coal generation, including the three Sherco units and replace them with renewable energy sources. In its order approving our Upper Midwest Energy Plan in early 2022, the Commission directed us to begin the permitting process for transmission lines to connect and deliver renewable energy to our customers, including the MN Energy Connection project to connect at Sherco.
We filed the Certificate of Need in March 2023. You can review it here.
The route proposals below were filed in October 2023 with the Minnesota Public Utilities Commission in our Route Permit application. The full application can be reviewed at MN.gov/puc
The revised route options were presented at public open houses in June 2023 and we are asking for feedback on the route options by the end of July.